With a donation you directly support the CA as an educational project. This includes educational events in the new building such as lectures, workshops or readings. Specifically, you enable practical learning spaces, for example in the falt*r orientation year and in our wood, metal and bicycle workshops, where residents and interested parties from the neighbourhood can realise their own projects. Since 2020, work camps with young volunteers have regularly taken place on our construction site, which the Förderverein has subsidised.
If you are interested in donating, please contact us and write to href=“mailto:spenden@collegiumacademicum.de”>spenden@collegiumacademicum.de. You can find further information here on our donations flyer (in German).
Donations for the project are possible through the Association of Collegium Academicum, Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V. The goal of this Association is to promote interdisciplinary education. The members of the Association are mostly members of the former Collegium Academicum, members of the project team and patrons of the project. Together, they create free space for young people, in intellectual as well as material terms.

The association currently supports the Collegium Academicum primarily in its educational work. Lectures, training courses and workshops. Above all, however, the association is responsible for planning and organising the orientation year, which offers young people an insight into the basics of various academic, professional and personal development opportunities after leaving school.
Donations to the Association are tax-deductible, due to the non-profit status of the organisation. The members of the Association work exclusively on honorary basis.
Donations via bank transfer
Your donations are welcome - please use one of the bank account details below. If you would like to request a donation receipt, please contact us in this regard (spenden@collegiumacademicum.de), or simply add your address in the line “reason for transfer” when making the bank transfer.
Account holder: Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V.
IBAN: DE92 4306 0967 6036 6733 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Reason for transfer: Donation CA, your name, your e-mail / address
Account holder: Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V.
IBAN: DE65 4306 0967 6036 6733 01
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Reason for transfer: Donation orientation year, your name, your e-mail / address
We welcome new members in our non-profit association „Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V.“. The Articles of the Association are available here. If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail at the address collegiumacademicum@posteo.de or by mail to the Association: Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V. – Mendelejewplatz 1 – 69126 Heidelberg.
Thank you!