February 2023
176 young people move into the new CA building
December 2022
Construction approval (for the renovation of the large old building)
November 2022
4,000,000 € in direct loans raised, of which 1,200,000 € are for the old buildings
September 2022
Relocation of the CnC wood mill to the workshop in the new building.
July to August 2022
Four participatory workcamps with a lot of construction work by ourselves, framed by diverse workshops and community activities
June 2022
The arcade of the new building is finished.
March 2022
1,000,000€ in direct loans raised for our old building.
January 2022
The milling of the room furniture for the new building is completed.
September 2021
3,000,000€ in direct loans raised, of which 500,000€ for the grand old building
End of summer 2021
Three workcamps with project group members, future residents and outsiders
June 2021
Laying of the foundation stone in the new building, during which a time capsule was buried
March 2021
September 2020
Start of planning for the renovation of the old buildings, in cooperation with the architectural office Gerstner + Hofmeister
September 2020
Concreting the floor slab
August 2020
Two-week German-French Workcamp
July 2020
Start of direct loan advertising for the old buildings
Juni 2020
Laying of the foundation lines for the new buildings
May 2020
Start of construction (new building)
March 2020
Furnishing of the workshop and purchase of a CNC wood mill for self-assembly of furniture.
November 2019
2,000,000€ in direct loans raised for the new building.
July 2019
Symbolic ground-breaking.
June 2019
Purchase of the land and conclusion of the loan agreement with the bank.
April 2019
Stand for testing the installation and sound insulation of the flexible walls.
April 2019
The project group meets for a second teambuilding weekend at the Bacherlebnisstation in Ladenburg.
February 2019
1,500,000€ in direct loans and donations raised.
October 2018
1,000,000€ in direct loans and donations raised
September 2018
Commitment of €500,000 in funding for innovations in timber construction from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
May 2018
The Collegium Academicum becomes a member of the Mietshäuser Syndikat. The syndicate becomes the second shareholder of the GmbH.
May 2018
We are completing our 1-to-1 model of a future dorm room and displaying it at various locations in Heidelberg.
April 2018
The project group meets for a first teambuilding weekend at the Fritzinnen Hof in the southern Black Forest.
February 2018
Federal Minister for Building Barbara Hendricks presents the funding certificate for the ‘Variowohnen’ programme.
February 2018
Obtaining planning and building permission for the new building.
December 2017
Commitment of funding amounting to 2,193 million euros from the Future Investment Programme ‘Modellvorhaben Variowohnen’ of the Federal Ministry of Building.
October 2017
Submission of the grant application: Variowohnen funding programme
September 2017
Completion of service phases 3 and 4 with our architect Hans Drexler from DGJ Architektur.
June 2017
Service phases 1 and 2 of the architectural and specialist planning services for the new building have been completed.
April 2017
We win the crowdfunding contest of SPONSORT and the IBA.
February 2017
Our planning team for architecture, structural design, fire protection, building physics and technical building equipment is complete.
November 2016
Start of direct credit advertising
October 2016
Printing of the info brochure, as well as the direct_loan_information.
September 2016
Application for funding under the Holz Innovativ Programme for innovative use of wood in modern construction to the MLR/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
August 2016
Formulation of the mission statement. Concretisation and formulation of the principles and guidelines.
June 2016
June 2016
Letter of Intent from the City of Heidelberg for the purchase of the US Hospital site.
June 2016
Application for funding under the Variowohnen Programm for model student housing at the BMUB.
April 2016
<img alt=‘Das Holzmodell des Neubaus’ src=‘model.jpg’i />
Completion of the planning draft
März 2016
Founding of the private limited company Collegium Academicum GmbH
February 2016
Commitment to the area of the US Hospital in Rohrbach.
January 2016
Conducting architecture workshops in cooperation with the architect’s office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects and supporting the IBA Heidelberg.
December 2015
Start with the preparation of a first planning draft.
November 2015
The municipal council decides that the CA should be considered in the Patton Barracks development decision.
October 2015
Opening of the exhibition Collegium Academicum: Living and Learning Together 1945 - 1985 - 2015.
June 2015
The Collegium Academicum is chosen as a project by the supervisory board of the International Building Exhibition Heidelberg.
May 2015
Educational workshop together with the IBA, funded by the Stiftung Trias.
March 2015
Sufficiency workshop together with the IBA.
December 2014
Foundation of the Förderverein Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V. emerging from the former Vereinigung Collegium Academicum Heidelberg e.V. of 1985.
June 2014
Foundation of the association Wohnheim Collegium Academicum e.V.
May 2014
Decision to focus on the conversion area Patton Barracks in Heidelberg-Kirchheim.
April 2014
Admission as a candidate for the International Building Exhibition Heidelberg ‘Wissen creates city’ by the board of trustees in the first round.
November 2013
Start of counselling by the Mietshäuser Syndikat.
June 2013
First talks with the Studierendenwerk (students’ union) and exchange of experiences.
June 2013
The Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg (college of education) assures support for the project
May 2013
Heidelberg University pledges support for the project.
May 2013
Elaboration of a first sufficiency concept.
February 2013
First talks with the conversion office for the old military sites and the city administration.
February 2013
Foundation of an advisory board
January 2013
Start of participation in the network hd_vernetzt (cooperative housing network).
January 2013
The project Collegium Academicum - A self-governed student residence for Heidelberg is launched.